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Find all of the DCS-related documents you may need below. Please feel free to contact if you have any other questions or concerns regarding DCS documents or forms, or if you have any issues accessing these online documents.


Cases & Conferences Subsidy Form

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Interested in taking part in an Academic Case or attending a conference? The Dalhousie Commerce Society aims to provide financial support to students to allow everyone to attend cases and conferences. Find attached our subsidy application form. Outlined within the document are the rules and guidelines.


Please submit your application to

Personal Expense Form

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Have you incurred an expense while working on society related activities? Submit a personal expense form for reimbursement! The Dalhousie Commerce Society thanks you in advance for your hard work! 


Submit personal expense forms to for review.

Come Visit Us

Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building, Suite 2053 University Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

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The Dalhousie Commerce Society recognizes that we are in Halifax, or Kjipuktuk, in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and traditional lands of the Mi’kmaq people. We acknowledge the Peace & Friendship Treaties signed in this Territory and recognize that we are all Treaty People.

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